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Early identification and remediation of literacy, numeracy,
and social-emotional difficulties in kindergarten:
an examination of the efficacy of a multi-tiered system of
support (MTSS)

Identification précoce et remédiation des difficultés en littératie, en numératie
et sur le plan socio-émotionnel à l'école maternelle :
examen de l'efficacité d'un système de soutien à paliers multiples (SPSS en français, MTSS en anglais)

Frühzeitige Erkennung und Behebung von Lese-, Schreib-, Rechen-
und sozial-emotionalen Schwierigkeiten im Kindergarten:
eine Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit eines mehrstufigen Unterstützungssystems (MTSS)

Identificazione precoce e recupero delle difficoltà di alfabetizzazione,
calcolo e socio-emotive nella scuola dell'infanzia:
un esame dell'efficacia di un sistema di supporto multilivello (MTSS)



Improving school effectiveness and equity across Europe.


The MTSS-K project plans: (1) to improve literacy, numeracy and SEB skills of participating kindergarten children which have been demonstrated to have long-lasting effects; (2) to implement the MTSS approach in participating schools in an ecological way; (3) to develop and validate effective practices and programmes designed for schools and teachers use in the three skill areas; (4) to develop and validate teacher friendly screening tests in the three major domains for school success, these tests allowing providing the best support according to the students’ needs; (5) to develop and validate methodology and tools to monitor the fidelity of implementation and efficacy of practices and programmes.


The core objective of the 4-year MTSS-K project is to adapt, implement and assess the effectiveness and efficiency of a promising North-American educational approach for kindergarten in five European countries. The so-called Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) aims at reducing inequalities by training teachers to improve the socio-emotional, literacy and numeracy skills of all students and more particularly of the most vulnerable ones. This model calls to adopt evidence-based teaching practices and to regularly and monitor students’ progress on the basis of objective data (Tier 1); to provide early and more intensive group interventions to students who do not progress as expected (Tier 2); and to provide even more intensive interventions to students who continue to need it (Tier 3).

Objective 1: To assess the effectiveness and efficiency of a comprehensive multi-tiered educational framework in European kindergarten and compare them with existing policies and practices.

Objective 2: To study and better understand the factorial structure of early skills’ measurement, and to examine students’ learning profiles and trajectories at kindergarten.

Objective 3: To widely disseminate its results and make policy recommendations for preventing and diminishing early inequalities and promoting inclusion and equal opportunities of school success.