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Early identification and remediation of literacy, numeracy,
and social-emotional difficulties in kindergarten:
an examination of the efficacy of a multi-tiered system of
support (MTSS)

Identification précoce et remédiation des difficultés en littératie, en numératie
et sur le plan socio-émotionnel à l'école maternelle :
examen de l'efficacité d'un système de soutien à paliers multiples (SPSS en français, MTSS en anglais)

Frühzeitige Erkennung und Behebung von Lese-, Schreib-, Rechen-
und sozial-emotionalen Schwierigkeiten im Kindergarten:
eine Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit eines mehrstufigen Unterstützungssystems (MTSS)

Identificazione precoce e recupero delle difficoltà di alfabetizzazione,
calcolo e socio-emotive nella scuola dell'infanzia:
un esame dell'efficacia di un sistema di supporto multilivello (MTSS)

University of Rostock

The University of Rostock, founded in 1419, is the oldest in the Baltic Sea Region. Tradition and innovation are the trademarks of the 600-year history. The technical faculty founded in 1951 - the first one ever established at a classical university. Plenty of new, modern buildings, as the completely new campus for natural sciences in the district Suedstadt, represent the innovative strength and modernity of the university.

Today, with about 14,000 students and 2,933 staff members (in the medical care sector: 2,926), the University of Rostock offers fascinating perspectives into nearly all scientific fields. With the four profile lines Life, Light and Matter / Maritime Systems / Aging Science and Humanities / Knowledge – Culture – Transformation, the University of Rostock has at its disposal excellent interdisciplinary research fields in the areas of natural and technological sciences, medicine, life sciences, humanities and cultural studies.

Main tasks in the project

In MTSS-K, UROS is involved in the WPs 2 – 5. In WP2, UROS is involved in selecting early numeracy, early literacy, and SEB assessment instruments as well as in the development of monitoring tools and selection of observation tools. UROS plays a key role in the translation of these instruments into Italian and German (WP2). Within WP3, UROS is tasked with selecting early numeracy, literacy, and SEB interventions with evidence of effectiveness and translating the MTSS approach interventions. UROS is responsible for developing the professional development program for preschool teachers on Tier 1 and Tier 2 (WP 4). In WP 5, UROS participates in the Data Management Committee (DMC), contributes to the development of the Data Management Plan (DMP), and serves as a partner for data analysis.

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18051 Rostock

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Main Contact

Photo of PD Dr. habil. Stefan Blumenthal
PD Dr. habil. Stefan Blumenthal
Project manager


Photo of Mona Arndt
Mona Arndt
Research assistant
Photo of Johanna Beutin
Johanna Beutin
Research assistant
Photo of Sebastian Fricke
Sebastian Fricke
Associate researcher
Photo of Dr. Yvonne Blumenthal
Dr. Yvonne Blumenthal
Associate researcher

Main Contact

Photo of PD Dr. habil. Stefan Blumenthal
PD Dr. habil. Stefan Blumenthal
Project manager
Photo of Mona Arndt
Mona Arndt
Research assistant


Photo of Johanna Beutin
Johanna Beutin
Research assistant
Photo of Sebastian Fricke
Sebastian Fricke
Associate researcher
Photo of Dr. Yvonne Blumenthal
Dr. Yvonne Blumenthal
Associate researcher

Main Contact

Photo of PD Dr. habil. Stefan Blumenthal
PD Dr. habil. Stefan Blumenthal
Project manager
Photo of Mona Arndt
Mona Arndt
Research assistant
Photo of Johanna Beutin
Johanna Beutin
Research assistant


Photo of Sebastian Fricke
Sebastian Fricke
Associate researcher
Photo of Dr. Yvonne Blumenthal
Dr. Yvonne Blumenthal
Associate researcher