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Early identification and remediation of literacy, numeracy,
and social-emotional difficulties in kindergarten:
an examination of the efficacy of a multi-tiered system of
support (MTSS)

Identification précoce et remédiation des difficultés en littératie, en numératie
et sur le plan socio-émotionnel à l'école maternelle :
examen de l'efficacité d'un système de soutien à paliers multiples (SPSS en français, MTSS en anglais)

Frühzeitige Erkennung und Behebung von Lese-, Schreib-, Rechen-
und sozial-emotionalen Schwierigkeiten im Kindergarten:
eine Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit eines mehrstufigen Unterstützungssystems (MTSS)

Identificazione precoce e recupero delle difficoltà di alfabetizzazione,
calcolo e socio-emotive nella scuola dell'infanzia:
un esame dell'efficacia di un sistema di supporto multilivello (MTSS)

  • Doctoral researcher (PhD candidate) in Educational Sciences - HORIZON-EUROPE Project MTSS-K
  • Collaboration in empirical qualitative and quantitative project activities
  • Publications
  • Participation in scientific conferences

University of Luxembourg

Founded in 2003, the University of Luxembourg (UL) is the only public university in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The UL is an international research university with a distinctly multilingual and interdisciplinary character. With more than 7,000 students and approximately 2,400 employees from around the world, the UL provides a truly cosmopolitan learning experience, with 18 Bachelor degrees and 46 Master degrees, as well as several vocational training and lifelong learning courses.

Main tasks in the project

The UL is the coordinator of the MTSS-K project, leading two of the six work packages (WP1: Project management and scientific coordination; WP6: Project Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation and Sustainability).

Logo of University of Luxembourg

Belval Campus
2, place de l’Université
L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Website LinkedIn

Main Contact

Photo of Christophe Dierendonck
Christophe Dierendonck
Project coordinator – Research scientist


Photo of Débora Poncelet
Débora Poncelet
Associate Professor
Photo of Mélanie Tinnes-Vigne
Mélanie Tinnes-Vigne
Doctoral student