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Early identification and remediation of literacy, numeracy,
and social-emotional difficulties in kindergarten:
an examination of the efficacy of a multi-tiered system of
support (MTSS)

Identification précoce et remédiation des difficultés en littératie, en numératie
et sur le plan socio-émotionnel à l'école maternelle :
examen de l'efficacité d'un système de soutien à paliers multiples (SPSS en français, MTSS en anglais)

Frühzeitige Erkennung und Behebung von Lese-, Schreib-, Rechen-
und sozial-emotionalen Schwierigkeiten im Kindergarten:
eine Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit eines mehrstufigen Unterstützungssystems (MTSS)

Identificazione precoce e recupero delle difficoltà di alfabetizzazione,
calcolo e socio-emotive nella scuola dell'infanzia:
un esame dell'efficacia di un sistema di supporto multilivello (MTSS)

  • Doctoral researcher (PhD candidate) in Educational Sciences - HORIZON-EUROPE Project MTSS-K
  • Collaboration in empirical qualitative and quantitative project activities
  • Publications
  • Participation in scientific conferences

University of Lorraine

The INSPÉ (higher national institute of teaching and education) of Lorraine, affiliated with the University of Lorraine, is responsible for training future teachers, educators, and educational personnel in the region. It offers initial training programs for students aiming for careers in teaching and education, adhering to state-defined guidelines. Additionally, it caters to individuals seeking to enter the field of education or enhance their skills in teaching and training. The institute conducts preparation courses for recruitment exams in education, provides continuing education for existing teaching and educational staff, and engages in disciplinary and educational research, as well as international cooperation initiatives. The Lorraine Laboratory of Psychology and Neuroscience of Behavioral Dynamics (2LPN), a research unit of the University of Lorraine, aims to comprehensively understand human behavior dynamics by integrating theories and concepts from psychology and neuroscience. It consists of four teams, one of which specializes in development, education, and learning. This team's research encompasses developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, and educational psychology, focusing on cognitive abilities and socio-emotional skills. Moreover, the studies investigate how different contexts, particularly family and school environments, impact development and learning, and the interplay between them.

Main tasks in the project

The University of Lorraine's research team aims to develop and validate assessment instruments in early literacy, early numeracy and socio-emotional and behavioral (SEB) skills for WP2. Observation tools will also be used to assess teaching practices and to monitor intervention's implementation. Their main objectives include developing and validating assessment and follow-up tools, designing observation instruments for teaching practices, and creating monitoring tools for intervention implementation.

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Photo of Youssef Tazouti
Youssef Tazouti


Photo of Alexandre Aubry
Alexandre Aubry
Team member
Photo of Aude Thomas
Aude Thomas
Team member
Photo of Céline Clavey
Céline Clavey
Team member
Photo of Christophe Luxembourger
Christophe Luxembourger
Team member
Photo of Nadir Altinok
Nadir Altinok
Team member