The research unit EQUALE "Evaluation and Quality in Education" develops researches aimed at improving the quality of education and its main actors (pupils and teachers), from preschool to higher education.
EQUALE looks for malleable variables that can be used as levers to improve cognitive, sociocognitive and behavioral aspects of learning such as motivation, engagement, perseverance or well-being. Targeting these variables and their impact on learning outcomes go through rigorous assessment procedures of students outcomes, classroom practices, school contexts and education policies in different education systems.
The members of the research unit share a bunch of values and a vision about education: A conception of education were the notion of embedded learning contexts is a cornerstone (family, classroom, school, education system).
Teaching is an interactive setting : teaching practices influence pupils and conversely. The teacher-pupil interaction is in turn influenced by structures and policies of the education systems.
An assumption of educability: whatever their aptitudes and dispositions, all pupils can learn and their teachers can change their practices if they are well supported and trained (for instance, their voice can be adapted).
Preventing actions come first, be it differentiating teaching practices or teacher training. Remedial actions come after if necessary. An inclusive, non-segregative vision of education avoiding grouping of pupils according to their ability or other individual characteristics such as socioeconomic and cultural background or gender.
Main tasks in the project
In the MTSS-K project, EQUALE will lead the data collection, management and analysis process (WP5). EQUALE will also contribute to the development of the MTSS approach interventions and to the systemactic reviews of effective intervention (WP3), and in the teachers’ professional development and MTSS implementation in schools (WP4).